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Analogue photography

Analogue photography

Why analogue photography today - Hasselblad medium format - Analogue photography
The comeback of the analogue Photography with a legendary Hasselblad Medium format Film camera.

What role do film, roll film and the entire film industry still play today? analogue photography? Interestingly, there is a revival of analogue photography, old film cameras are being bought again, there are many films like Kodak PortraKodak Gold, Ektar, T-Max, Fomapan, Fujifilm Acros, Fujifilm Provia, Velvia, Ilford Delta, FP4, HP5, Rollei Infrared and many more.

Both analogue 35mm photography, Medium format photographyas well as large format photography are experiencing increased interest from young photographers and those who have already experienced the analogue era.

While the advent of digital photography meant that there was no longer any talk of analogue Cameras and lenses, these are now being bought second-hand again. We are talking about good camera brands (35mm cameras, medium format cameras, large format cameras) such as Pentax, Minolta, Canon, Nikon, Hasselblad, Bronica, Mamiya, Rolleiflex, Rolleicord, LeicaOlympus, Linhof, Voigtländer, Sinar and many more brands. Even new analogue cameras are being built, such as a trendy 17 x 6 ShenHao.

As of December 2022, Ricoh Pentax also wants to build analogue 35 mm film cameras again. This is because demand for the partly mechanical analogue cameras has risen again. In some cases, analogue films are being digitised by scanning to show the photos on social media such as Instagram. The hashtags for this are #analog, #analogphotography, #shotonfilm, #filmphotography, #film, #filmisnotdead, #mmfilm, #kodak and others.

Anyone using such cameras measures the Exposure often with an external Light meterspend peace and quiet and time with Camera and Tripodthe Photo studio and film development.

The comeback of analogue photography

The comeback of analogue photography is difficult to explain. Perhaps film slows us photographers down. Perhaps it is the unique look of the prints, which cannot be reproduced digitally. However, every photo certainly has its own meaning and needs to be considered. If you shoot with medium format roll film and can take 10, 12 or 16 shots, you think long and hard before you press the shutter release.

Another reason for "old" photography is the charm of analogue film, which has its own characteristics. But the tranquillity and the meditative thought of waiting for the results also speak a different language to digital photography.

Analogue photographs are often unpredictable, unique, expensive, time-consuming and usually not as clinically pure as digital photographs. There are many reasons that speak against analogue photography in the modern digital age, but all these arguments forget that analogue photography exudes tranquillity, presents a challenge, creates special film looks and is unique.

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